
I am only offering online tutoring sessions using Zoom Meetings. The free account is sufficient for online tutoring purposes.


My rate is $60 an hour, with flexible end times. If you end before or after an hour, I will prorate the time (in 5-minute increments) but will always charge for at least a half-hour, even if you need less tutoring time.

These are examples of how billing would work for different situations:

By the first session, I will check with each parent (or the student themselves if they are adults) to determine the maximum time for their sessions.

(If $60 an hour is too much of a financial burden for you, don't hesitate to get in touch with me, and let's talk about what is financially feasible for you! I respect that not everyone who needs a tutor can afford one. But, at the very least, I can spend some time helping the student find free resources to help them with their studies).


I do billing at the end of each session using Venmo. Let me know if you would like to use a different payment method.


My policy for cancellations is:

Suppose a student does not log into the online session within the first 15 minutes. In that case, I will consider the tutoring session canceled unless I receive a notification. I generally try to contact the parent and student (or just student in the case of a college student) after waiting five minutes to remind them of a session.

Suppose you are a regular student making frequent free cancellations (multiple a month). In that case, we will need to reconsider your need to have a recurring appointment scheduled.

If you have any questions about these policies, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Academic Honesty

The purpose of these tutoring sessions is to be a supplemental resource in a student's understanding of mathematics. I will not assist a student during a take-home/online test or quiz, placement test, or another type of testing where the student is expected to work independently or only with peers. (This holds even if the test allows open notes). If I see this kind of material presented during our session, I will remind the student that I cannot help them with their test or quiz. (I realize that some teachers use old tests as practice tests, in these cases, I am relying on the student's honesty that it truly is a practice test and not a real test). In the unfortunate event, a student or parent has deceived me into assisting during an exam; I will permanently terminate tutoring sessions with the student and report the incident to the school. This policy does not apply to going over old tests or getting assistance with understanding a homework assignment. This policy only applies to cheating during the duration of the test.

I understand that math can sometimes be frustrating. Receiving a low grade can feel stressful, and it can feel very tempting to commit academic dishonesty. Even if you can find a way to cheat without getting caught, it will only solve your math situation for a very short time. Since math topics build on each other, cheating on one test will often make the next test that much more complex. It is much better to get an accurate grade for what you can do right now, even if it is low. This is so your teacher can get a precise picture of how you understand the topic, and so you are placed in the correct level of math classes in the future. Additionally, most colleges have a stringent academic dishonesty policy (where you can potentially be expelled), so it is best not to consider cheating an option.